Dental implants can serve as a permanent solution for missing or severely decayed teeth. They are digitally color-matched to blend in with your smile and help to ensure that you don't lose jaw bone density. Find out more about dental implants here:
A white, bright smile can make a world of difference when it comes to your self-confidence. It can also portray good health. Take our quiz to find out if you need teeth whitening treatments sooner rather than later.
There are many things that contribute to our teeth losing the pearly whiteness of our youth, from foods we eat and beverages we drink, to behavior such as smoking or using chewing tobacco. Luckily, you can avoid or diminish many of the worst offenders by limiting your intake or changing how you use them.
Dry mouth can be annoying, uncomfortable and aggravating. It can also lead to serious problems such as gum disease, tooth decay and mouth infections. It can also make it hard to wear dentures. Saliva is necessary to keep your mouth clean and to moisten and help digest food. When your mouth fails to produce enough saliva, you can develop dry mouth.